Organizational Structure


General Assembly
As every association, the Hungarian Scout Association (MCSSZ) consists of members. The Assembly is the main decision-making body of the organization which determines the direction (i.e. the strategy) of the organization that operates as an association and as a non-governmental organization. The Assembly shall be convened at least once a year. The Assembly has jurisdiction in every matter relating to the Association. The Assembly has the right to exercise decision-making and controlling power in relevant questions.

National Council
Districts delegate members to the Council based upon their membership, one per 1000 people, and the National Board is represented by 1 person. The main activities of the Council include the establishment of regulations and the management of certifications. The work of the Council is assisted by committees established on a permanent or temporary (ad hoc) basis.

National Board
The National Board is the main management and executive organ of the Association between the National Council meetings. The National Board is responsible for each and every task, which is referred to them in accordance with the Statute and regulations of the Association, and it is obliged to implement all the decisions and directives made by the National Congress and the Assembly. Taking all these factors into account, the National Board is entitled to manage the Association and to make and implement all the necessary decisions.

Spiritual Dimensions

The Táborkereszt, the Community of Hungarian Catholic Scouts is under the authority of the Bench of Hungarian Catholic Bishops, operates alongside the National Board and the National Executive Community, but is an independent organizational unit. It was established in order to help the religious education and the upbringing of the Catholic Scouts of the Hungarian Scout Association. The Táborkereszt was founded by Sándor Sík, a Hungarian poet in 1934.

The Ichthüsz community was founded in 1920 within the framework of the Hungarian Scout Association. The aim of the foundation is to support Protestant Scouts. One of the outstanding Scout founders was Sándor Karácsony university professor.