Camps - Hikes

Long-distance walks

Many Scouts participated in long-distance walks organized all around the country in autumn 2014 and spring 2015. This programme is popular among Scouts and non-Scouts alike, since a great number of the latter participates in such challenges. The walks are so popular that the local media frequently reports on them. It has been an aim of ours for a while to make long-distance walks available to a broader audience, and – besides getting people acquainted with Scouting in general – to earn some revenue by regularly organizing these events. The Social Renewal Operational Programme, TÁMOP has contributed to the commencement of these programmes, so that they can become recurrent events. Be it October or March, it is long-distance walk time!

National Camp 2013 

We have unforgettable memories about the days we spent at Ócsa to celebrate the centenary of the Hungarian Scout Association, which was founded in 1912. The event, where more than four thousand people participated, was partially financed from the project ‘Supporting Small Community Youth Education’. The National Camp 2013 (NNT2013) meant not only a closure to those 100 years, but a start for another 100 years. We stepped into future with the National Camp 2013. Join us on the journey!

National Scout Day

The National Scout Day was organized on 26 April 2014. It was a great opportunity to show the city and those interested how big our Association is, how many projects we are engaged in, as well as to clear up false assumptions by meeting people. The attendance of the Scout Day was free of charge for Scouts and inquirers alike, and the expenses of the event were covered from the Social Renewal Operational Programme (TÁMOP-5.2.8.). The event took place in the City Park, which was open and free for everyone, and additional programmes were organized for Scouts throughout the city. There were approximately 3300 visitors together with the inquirers. At the next event there is going to be even more of us!